When We Suffer {part 2}

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When we suffer, when we struggle with big emotions, step one is to consciously acknowledge what you feel. Step two is to stop being afraid of what you feel.

This fear of feelings might show up as:

I can’t bear this

It will always feel this way

I SHOULDN’T feel this way

This SHOULDN’T be this way

These thoughts are often cues that we have left the present moment, that we have left our mindfulness practice, and it is time to return.

Our meditation practice allows us the opportunity to return to the present moment, to acknowledge what it is that we are truly feeling, and then to ask ourselves -

“Can I be with this?”

The answer to this question guides our next response.

Join me for today’s episode of The Mindful Minute for a discussion and guided meditation designed to help us stop being afraid of what we feel.

Download my New FREE Offering: 5 Practices for Heartbreaking Times - https://mailchi.mp/merylarnett/5-practices-for-heartbreaking-times


Mini Meditation: Are You Afraid Of Your Feelings?


Mini Meditation: For Suffering, Heartbreak, and Fear