Mini Meditation: Heartfulness

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It is SO easy to intellectualize the practice of meditation. To study, to read and to learn without taking time to explore these concepts through the lens of the heart. And yet, this practice of ‘mindfulness’ is often translated to something closer to “heartfulness”.

This is meant to be a tender and embodied practice. Not em-brained. Embodied. 

We let ourselves soften into a practice that feels warm and kind and generous of spirit rather than stern or overly-disciplined. 

Join me for today’s mini-meditation as we practice softening into a heartfelt meditation practice.

These mini meditations are meant to support a daily home practice. Tune in every Monday to find your practice for the week! Full episodes are released every Thursday for a longer, deeper practice.

You can practice with me live each Monday as I record this podcast. My virtual meditation class includes time for Q&A and a chance to connect with me personally!

**Use code: Mindful5 to get your first class for $5!**

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Giving It Up to Grace {part 1 of 3}


Letting Go With Compassion