Mini Meditation: Expansion

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This week’s practice is a subtle one. The last level of letting go is to let go of the thoughts, and, deeper still, to let go of identifying as the thinker. You see, we are both the one who thinks AND the one who knows that it is thinking. 

When we are able to let go in this way, our view, in fact our very being, becomes more expansive. Join me for today’s mini meditation as we explore what it looks like to let go of identifying yourself as the thinker and how that impacts your ability to expand.

These mini meditations are meant to support a daily home practice. Tune in every Monday to find your practice for the week! Full episodes are released every Thursday for a longer, deeper practice.

You can practice with me live each Monday as I record this podcast. My virtual meditation class includes time for Q&A and a chance to connect with me personally!

**Use code: Mindful5 to get your first class for $5!**

Even better, if you enjoyed today’s episode, leave me a review wherever you get your podcasts, screenshot it and send it to to get your first live class with me FOR FREE!

Many thanks to our sponsor, Go Zafu - the portable meditation cushion designed for outdoor use. The Go Zafu combination meditation pad & cushion removes the logistical and comfort barriers that stand between you and peaceful meditation in nature.

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***Did you know I have a FREE Meditation Starter Kit on my website It is full of my favorite tips, stories and ideas for starting and maintaining a daily meditation practice. Grab your copy today! --> ***

Connect with me on Instagram {@merylarnett} to get bonus meditation tips, mini-meditations, and the occasional baby spam:



Letting Go With Compassion


Learning to Let Go {part 3 of 3}