Mini Meditation: A Universe of Grace

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The more I pay attention, the more I realize how much energy I spend trying to control every second of my life. I want things to look, feel, and behave a certain way at all times, and when it doesn’t {which is often}, it creates stress and struggle. You do too?

Today’s mini meditation is a practice in releasing the control we so falsely believe we hold over every waking moment. Invoking a spirit of grace within our meditation practice is what allows meditation to feel like an “effortless effort” rather than a battle of will with your mind.

Give it a try for yourself in today’s mini meditation practice and let’s see what happens…

These mini meditations are meant to support a daily home practice. Tune in every Monday to find your practice for the week! Full episodes are released every Thursday for a longer, deeper practice.

You can practice with me live each Monday as I record this podcast. My virtual meditation class includes time for Q&A and a chance to connect with me personally!

**Use code: Mindful5 to get your first class for $5!**

Even better, if you enjoyed today’s episode, leave me a review wherever you get your podcasts, screenshot it and send it to to get your first live class with me FOR FREE!

***Did you know I have a FREE Meditation Starter Kit on my website It is full of my favorite tips, stories and ideas for starting and maintaining a daily meditation practice. Grab your copy today! --> ***

Connect with me on Instagram {@merylarnett} to get bonus meditation tips, mini-meditations, and the occasional baby spam:



Giving It Up to Grace {part 2 of 3}


Giving It Up to Grace {part 1 of 3}